Hi there, I am Dennis.
welcome to my portfolio

I am a Cyber security Analyst | Cloud Solutions Architect | Web Developer & Tech consultant currently based in Nairobi, Kenya.

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A memories app built using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB. Full Stack MERN App - from start to finish. The App is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.

Stack Used:
  • Mongo
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

PK Exclusive Wear

This is unique and complex e-commerce app that enables a user to add to portfolio for management. The webshop was created using advanced React as well as Stripe API implementation for card transactions.

Stack Used:
  • React
  • JavaScript


This is a code repo for a full Realtime Chat Application

Stack Used:
  • React
  • ChatEngine
  • Firebase

Tech Stack

During the course of my career, I have worked with a range of technologies both in the cybersecurity and web development (both front-end and back-end) fields.

Web Development

  • Front-End


  • Back-End


  • Databases


Cyber Security Skills and Tools

. Penetration testing and Vulnerability scanning
. Threat Intelligence management and Incident Response
. Network Defense Tactics and Python Scripting

. Microsoft Azure Cloud Services and Security
. IBM New Collar and IBM Security

About Me

Throughout my extensive career, I have gained experience in various fields that ranges from Cloud Architecture(security and solutions), Cybersecurity, Web-development, and conducting research in both the academic and real world setting.
I am fascinated by the inherent complexities in the intersection of people and environments, how we live, work, and make accommodations everyday.
My goal is to create solutions,products and services that delight consumers and drive innovation across organizations.
I am motivated by the desire to make changes in the community through problem solving using my IT skills, to make peoples lives easier,improve productivity, ensure safety and efficiency on their daily activities.

Personal Achievements


Open Source Projects


community Presentations

Building solutions for the future, one commit at a time.

Copyright © | Wambugu Dennis